Every pup has different issues, different needs, and a different approach that will work best for them. That’s why careful evaluation and getting a full history from the Guardian is invaluable prior to any therapy. Making sure that the therapy plan is appropriately geared to what is going on with your pup in the present moment is essential, as is assuring that each session is altered if needed to meet the changing issues, needs and moods of your dog. Our services are performed in the comfort of your home, where your pup will be most comfortable and relaxed, in familiar surroundings and with family.
We offer acupressure therapy, which follows the exact same principles as acupuncture, except it is non-invasive, meaning no uncomfortable needles will be used on your furbaby. We use light manual pressure to the same “acupoints”, or energy points in Traditional Chinese Medicine, that are used in acupuncture, to restore blocked energy flow. There are over 200 of these energy points in a dog and each one has a different function. Most dogs are very acupressure receptive and find it calming and relaxing. Acupressure can be used for a variety of physical and emotional conditions. Emotionally is can be used for fear issues, separation anxiety, grief, and acceptance to prepare for crossing the Rainbow Bridge. The physical conditions for which acupressure can be used are endless - arthritis in any location, chronic pain, muscle and joint injuries, organ problems, seizures, digestive issues - almost any physical problem can benefit from acupressure. At Heart to Hands we combine acupressure with Reiki and a form of Chinese Meridian Flow work know as Tui Na. When used together, these three modalities are powerful tools to help your pup feel better.
Also available when indicated are two additional modalities that can be added to the above therapies; Far Infrared Light Therapy and Targeted Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, or tPEMF, using the Assisi Loop device.
Infrared radiation (FIR) is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that has a greater wavelength than visible light. In fact, infrared light can only be felt as heat. The body experiences infrared therapy as gentle radiant heat, which is able to penetrate the body about 1.5 inches under the skin. Infrared energy is strong enough to change the bonds of molecules and cellular frequencies, most particularly in the mitochondria. You may remember learning in science class that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells. Infrared lights have specific wavelengths that are absorbed by a photo acceptor, cytochrome c oxidase, within the mitochondria of the cell. The energy (photons) from the light increases the energy within the cell and speeds up the healing process. The lights must be specific wavelengths and must be delivered at a specific dosage. Using both red and infrared lights is beneficial because the wavelengths are absorbed by different depths of tissue. Our Canine Light Therapy Pads use two specific wavelengths that research has shown to dramatically increase the rate of healing. The two wavelengths are in the visible red and near infrared spectrums. The visible red is effective for stimulating acupuncture points, releasing trigger points, treating wounds and infections. The infrared wavelength (not visible), which penetrates deeper, has been shown to be effective in helping heal soft tissue injuries, joints and muscles.
tPEMF is a safe, effective, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical form of therapy. You may have heard of “NSAIDs”, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are frequently used to treat pain and inflammation. Unfortunately, these drugs, as with all medications, are not free of potential side effects. tPEMF is part of a class of therapies known as “NPAIDs”, or non-pharmacological anti-inflammatory devices, which do not have the potential side effects of medications. The Assisi Loop delivers targeted, pulsed electromagnetic field impulses to challenged cells and tissues to trigger your dogs own natural anti-inflammatory processes. These impulses stimulate the enhanced production of a substance known as nitric oxide, a naturally occurring substance in your dogs’ body, which is an anti-inflammatory molecule critical to cellular repair. This results in increased blood flow, increased tissue oxygenation, decreased inflammation, decreased pain and accelerated bone and tissue healing. The device can be used for degenerative issues such as back and joint pain from arthritis, post-surgical pain, orthopedic injuries, non-healing wounds and some neurological conditions.
Liz is certified as a Master Herbalist and is happy to do a consultation to make recommendations to you regarding herbal products that might be of help in supporting your pup. Of course, any recommendations should be discussed with your Veterinarian prior to beginning to assure that they agree.